Hello! My name is Yana.

I am a Web Developer

Let's make a new life in the Network

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Yana Krukovets photo

Who am I?

My name is Yana. I am a Web Developer based in Ottawa, Canada. I like to code things from scratch and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, Vue.js, Tailwind.css, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, mySQL


Jan 2013 - May 2016: Frontend Developer at SoftServe Dnipro, Ukraine

2011 - 2013: Teacher C++ at IT Academy "Step" Dnipro, Ukraine


A small gallery of my recent projects

Art shop website

ReactJS, Next.js, Sanity, Stripe, HTML, CSS

Memory game website

JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Meal search website

Vue.js, Vuex, Vite, Tailwind.css

Movie search website

ReactJS, Tailwind.css

Search website

ReactJS, Tailwind.css, Rapid API

Quiz website

JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Search website

ReactJS, Next.js, GRaphQL, Hygraph cms

Doughnuts website

JavaScript, PHP, CSS, HTML, Bootstrap

Also I was a part of a big team who was working on the "Dentrix Ascend" system (Dental Software)

Dentrix Ascend

HTML, Bootstrap, Backbone.js

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